Open everyday 8am-10pm
Please read all of the park rules before entering.
Located in central Duluth behind the building at 914 W 3rd St.
Approximately .25 acres
Fenced with double gated entry
Separate small dog area for dogs under 20 pounds.
Calendar Parking:
Off-street parking is available where 10th Ave dead ends. The City of Duluth has year round alternate side street parking. Please click HERE to see the calendar.
Water is available on the back side of the building (the side towards the dog park.) Firmly push the button and a metered amount of water comes out the hose.
Observation Dog Park was built in fall of 2014 after a 2-1/2-year City of Duluth approval process. Once it was approved, volunteers went to work to remove many truckloads of trees, weeds and brush that were growing in the fence line and in the unused blacktop and hockey area. The hockey rink hadn't been used in over ten years; the hockey boards were donated to and removed by Northwood Children's Service. They will sort through them and re use the good boards to replace boards at Merritt Rink. Volunteers cleaned up litter and repaired the existing fencing. Fundraisers were held and two grants were applied for and received. 35 feet of cracked and weedy blacktop was removed, fill added and fencing installed. Volunteers are very proud of making this unused and decrepit area into a clean and well-used park amenity.