
Open every day 7 am to 10 pm.


Please read all of the park rules before entering. 


It is at 3567 Riley Road. It is 1/2 mile west of Jean Duluth Road on the north side of Riley Road. It is at the very northern most end of Duluth.


Approximately 3.5 acres.

Fenced with double gated entry.  

Separate area for small dogs under 20 pounds.  

 It does not have lights. 


Bring your own water to the park. 



The dog park in east Duluth was completed in August of 2016. Volunteers removed almost 2000 feet of fencing, posts and other fencing materials that were donated from the Morgan Park School developer. Volunteers removed 500 plus more fencing material from Kylmala Truss. The City built a gravel parking area and driveway. In fall of 2015 volunteers installed a number of corner and gate posts. In the spring of 2016 volunteers dug holes, pounded posts and filled holes with concrete. Volunteers installed all of the fencing and gates. The city put concrete in the entry and for bench bases. Signs and benches were ordered and installed. Covered crates to hold re-purposed bags were fabricated and mounted. 40 volunteers put in over 1,300 hours to build this park. Donations to the dog park fund paid for the fencing materials, signs, bag crates and benches with grateful help from a $4000 parks grant.